Buy Ayurvedic & herbal Kashyams in India
Arya Vaidyasala,Kottakkal Keshyam Oil 100ml
INDICATIONS: Hair Nourishing Oil.Ensures Healthy hair growth and prevents hair fall...
Ex Tax: Rs.180
AVN Ayurveda Amrutotaram Kashayam 200ml
FeverConstipationFlatulenceStuffy noseFatigueLoss of appetiteGoutAdult dose – 15ml + 60 ml warm wate..
Ex Tax: Rs.120
AVN Ayurveda Aragwadhadi Kashayam 200ml
skin diseases, wounds, ulcers, pruritus (itching), urticaria, scabies, diabetes, diabetic foot ulcer..
Ex Tax: Rs.150
AVN Ayurveda Ashtavargam Kashayam 200ml
Indication / Uses: Effective in body aches, Rheumatic complaints, low back ache, paralysis and..
Ex Tax: Rs.150
AVN Ayurveda Balaguluchyadi Kashayam 200ml
Balaguluchyadi Kashayam benefits:It is used in the Ayurvedic treatment of goutIt reduces burni..
Ex Tax: Rs.150
AVN Ayurveda Bruhatyadi Kashayam 200ml
Treating diseases of urinary system,Cystitis,Useful in treating urinary calculi and helps to high BP..
Ex Tax: Rs.150
AVN Ayurveda Chiruvilwadi Kashayam 200ml
Chiruvilwadi kashayam benefits:It is used in the Ayurvedic treatment of hemorrhoids, fistula and gul..
Ex Tax: Rs.170
AVn Ayurveda Dasamoolakatutrayam Kashaya 200 ml
It is used in the Ayurvedic treatment of Asthma, bronchitis, Cough and related chest pain. It has an..
Ex Tax: Rs.121
AVN Ayurveda Dasamoolam Kashayam 200ml
Its usage:In treating inflammatory conditions or post surgery to avoid infections.Also as a uterine ..
Ex Tax: Rs.150
AVN Ayurveda Dhanadanayanadi Kashayam 200ml
Benefit: It is used in the treatment of» Facial Paralysis» Paraplegia» Hemiplegia» Tremors of variou..
Ex Tax: Rs.200
AVN Ayurveda Dhanwantharam Kashayam 200ml
Used in Ayurvedic post natal care of mother and in gynaecological diseases.It is also effective agai..
Ex Tax: Rs.119
AVN Ayurveda Gandharvahastadi Kashayam 200ml
Used in Ayurvedic treatment of bloating.Has cleansing effect over intestines.Develops appetite.It he..
Ex Tax: Rs.100
AVN Ayurveda Gulggutiktaka Kashayam 200ml
Gulguluthikthakam kashayam benefits:It is used in treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis, gout.,It is use..
Ex Tax: Rs.220
AVN Ayurveda Guluchyadi Kashayam 200ml
It is used in the treatment of fever of various etiology, associated with burning sensation, excessi..
Ex Tax: Rs.170
AVN Ayurveda Indukantam Kashayam 200ml
Indukantham kashayam is an Ayurvedic medicine in water decoction form. ... Benefits: It is used in t..
Ex Tax: Rs.160